M.Y.T Tutorium was found because of an increasing need for a balanced, holistic learning programme that addresses the personal, social, intellectual, emotional, physical, environmental and technological individual needs of all children in a non-stressful environment.

So many children these days feel that they “don’t belong” in traditional schools. They battle with selfesteem and often feel lonely, isolated and misunderstood. All they need is to be shown an interesting, accessible, intelligible world and given the inspiration to play a meaningful role in it. We need to teach our children to be creative thinkers and develop curious, enquiring minds that are passionate about learning, constantly exploring new ideas, skills and attitudes.

Each tutor is assigned between 6-8 children, within the Foundation Phase (Grades R-3) Intermediate Phase (Grades4-6) and senior phase (Grades7-9). These smaller groups promote quality, individual attention.

Phase-based group’s help tutors monitor and assess children regularly on the necessary concepts, provide intense support and reinforcement.

Tutors are carefully selected to ensure maximum benefits and that academic standards are maintained, while ensuring individual learning and emotional strength development. M.Y.T Tutorium believes that all individuals have their own unique way to learn new concepts and thus ensure we adapt our teaching styles to suit each student.